About Me

I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Communication Studies at the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor. My research and teaching revolve around globalization, cultural industries, new media and media convergence, and public culture. I am currently working on a book that provides a historical and critical account of ongoing changes in the media sector in Bombay and examines the operations of film, television, and dot-com companies as they grapple with the challenges of imagining “Bollywood” as a global cultural industry. My research also involves ethnographic work among fan communities that cohere around different aspects of film and television (for e.g., fans of A. R. Rahman, the TV show Indian Idol) in order to map the dynamics of participatory culture in South Asia and the South Asian diaspora. I have published articles on these topics in Biblio, International Journal of Cultural Studies, and Gazette: International Journal for Communication Studies, and co-edited an anthology of essays (Global Bollywood, NYU Press, 2008).

I serve as consulting researcher for the Convergence Culture Consortium at M.I.T. And I occasionally contribute to a food blog, Ahaar.

17 Responses to “About Me”

  1. Simran Says:

    Hey Aswin,

    Just stopping by to check out your new Bollyspace 2.0 and wondering if you’d add me to your blogroll. Thanks. Great new blog, by the way.


  2. Prasanna Thandri Says:

    Hey CS

    Happen to see ur blog accidently,way to go CS….. 😉

  3. sitaji Says:

    Came upon your blog a few weeks back and have enjoyed reading it so much that I added it to our blogroll.

  4. aswinp Says:

    sitaji – thanks! Glad to hear this 🙂

  5. Amit Rai Says:

    Excellent blog, man!

  6. Kanupriya Says:

    Hey came here accidently and liked this blog a lot! Keep it up.

  7. aswinp Says:

    Thanks, Kanupriya!

  8. Sidhharth Goyal Says:

    It was a sheer pleasure browsing your blog and the contents are indeed wonderful. It would be nice if you add my site http://www.kitnebaje.com/movie.php at your blogroll.
    We would be happy to return the favor by linking you back at
    Let me know if we could work this out.

  9. squarecut.atul Says:

    Lovely blog, and very informative. I too have a blog and I post on nostalgic stuff there which may interest you, just as I have found your nostalgic posts interesting.

  10. Komal Shah-Kapoor Says:

    Absolutely delighted to see your blog – – We should talk sometime!

    One thing we have in common is that we both conducted fieldwork in India for our South-Asia focussed dissertations – – I spent time in a Gujarat village — participant observation, interviewing et al…this is what informed my interview guide for research on first-generation Gujarati women in the US.

    Very interesting to read what you explored…

    Will be following your blog from now on!


  11. Sivakumar T Says:

    Hi aswin,

    Just happened to visit your blog. Very glad to read about business of entertainment industry. I am a B-school student and my area of interest after my studies is the Indian entertainment industry. I’d be happy if you could share your mail id with me. My mail-id, as already mentioned, is siva.storyteller@gmail.com.

    Expecting a reply from you.


  12. Allu Sirish Says:

    Hi Aswin,

    I am a film producer, from Hyderabad. I am rookie in the biz, just two movies old. Our company Geetha Arts has been in the biz for the last 30 years producing over 25 films in various Indian languages.

    Just wanted to congratulate you on brining out this beautiful blog, which is filled with information, useful to industry insiders like me. I would also like to introduce you to my own blog located @ http://www.allusirish.in which writes about the film business.

    Hope it has something interesting to offer you.


  13. Nithyaselvan (Selvan) Says:

    Hi Aswin,

    I happened to visit your blogspace by accident. Very excited to see (the headspot) and read your blogs. Great stuff!

    Drop me a reply if possible.


  14. celulares ericsson Says:

    Wicked cheers, very use full information. thank you.

  15. Chris Says:

    Hello Aswin
    I’m looking fopr copies of the Yizo Yizo programme that was aired in South Africa. You mentioned to someone on a forum that you had access to them.

  16. s'bu Says:

    Hello Aswin

    i am also looking for copies of yizo yizo, a drama series that was aired in south africa.thank you in advance.

  17. Sino Says:

    Hello Aswin, I’m a South African living in Australia. I’m Xhosa and I’m interested in Yizo Yizo and want to write an article about black culture in the townships and the youth. Please email me a copy of Yizo Yizo 1, 2 and 3. I’ve been searching for years, much appreciated.

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